Click HERE for a sample blog tour.
You’ll need to join our Yahoo Group to take a look at our calendar to find an open date OR tell me a date that you have in mind, and I can tell you the closest opening. You can opt to not receive e-mails and go there only to view the calendar. ONLY MODERATORS CAN ADD TO THE CALENDAR AND MESSAGE BOARD. To reserve the date, you must Email WILD CARD TOURS.
Fill out the following and email it back to me:
Is the tour open to residents in all 50 United States and Canada only? If yes, is there a PDF version available for those outside the US and Canada?
Tour Date Desired:
Book Title & Author:
Short Bio & Author Website:
Short Book Description:
Number of Reviewer Books Available:
Contact Deadline:
Contact Name (who will receive the emails from the members) and Contact’s E-mail:
As soon as possible, in an attachment on an email, send me your first chapter in MS Word (not pdf... pdf doesn't translate into html for the blog post. Copying and pasting from pdf into Word doesn’t work. It needs to be formatted in Word.), the cover photo, and the author photo.
I'll put it up on the calendar and message board for you. I'll set up the html for the members to grab for the tour two days before the tour date on the FIRST Wild Card Tours Blog. All our tours are free. :-)
*NOTE: MEMBERS ARE NOT REQUIRED TO POST A REVIEW, BUT THEY ARE REQUIRED TO POST THE HTML IF THEY RECEIVED A BOOK FROM YOU. We do highly recommend that they post a review though…but it is not a guaranteed positive review. We urge our members to give honest reviews. HTML includes: direct links to and the author’s website, author photo and bio, cover image and short book description, and the first chapter.
Also, when you have the desired amount of reviewers, email me the blogsites and I will post a 'Blog tour full' message with the list of blogsites participating in the tour. This will help you because you won’t need to send verification emails. :-)
For the CONTACT DEADLINE: please remember to give the bloggers enough time to respond to you, receive the book, and read it before the tour date... About 5-6 weeks from announcement on the group: 1 week contact period, 2 weeks for mail to arrive (depending on how it is mailed...and overseas can be longer), and 2 weeks to read it.
Any questions, feel free to ask!
Hope to hear from you soon.
Hope to hear from you soon.